Introducing: Gardener's Journal
My First Web Application!

Introducing: Gardener's Journal My First Web Application!

Introducing Gardener’s Journal! This is my first attempt at creating a web application using Ruby and Sinatra. This project is optional as part of Launch School’s RB175 Networked Applications course.

Here it is!

This web application helps people keep track of plants they are currently planting or are planning to plant in the future. You can enter the date, the plant’s name, type, height, amount of sunlight, days to harvest and notes. There’s an option to choose whether you want to plant it now or later. It’s not perfect and there’s still so much I could do to make it better, but I think it’s alright for my first try. I’ve also had no previous experience with HTML or CSS so with this project, I’ve had to wing most of it and try things as I go. Heroku is used to deploy the application to the web.

There’s no need to login and use a password for this application. You can just jump right in and start entering your plants. For future projects, I plan to utilize a login/password feature to let people register information and save it to their account. I also plan to use either Sinatra again or branch out and use Rails.

Thanks for reading!

Note: The application will display differently on different browsers. It looks best on Google Chrome.